Course Outline

Day 1: Module 1: Introduction to legacy and new BSS

● What is legacy BSS ? Element of BSS , Billing, Mediation, Rating, CRM, Revenue management
● Telecom Reference Architecture
● Enterprise SOA based Reference Architecture
● New Generation Operations Systems and Software (NGOSS)
● The enhanced Telecom Operations Map (eTOM) & business process framework.
● The Shared Information Data (SID) model
● Framework that may be specialized for the needs of a particular organization.
● The Telecom Application Map (TAM) & application framework to depict the functional footprint of applications, relative to the horizontal processes within eTOM.
● The Technology Neutral Architecture (TNA)

New Generation Operations Systems and Software (NGOSS) vs Legacy - A walk through NGOSS

● Loosely coupled distributed systems
● Application components/re-use
● A technology-neutral system framework with technology specific implementations
● Interoperability to service provider data/processes
● Allows more re-use of business components across multiple business scenarios
● Workflow automation Legacy
● The traditional operator systems architecture consists of four layers,
● Business Support System (BSS) layer, with focus toward customers and business
● partners. Manages order, subscriber, pricing, rating, and billing information.
● Operations Support System (OSS) layer, built around product, service, and resource inventories.
● Networks layer – consists of Network elements and 3rd Party Systems.
● Integration Layer – to maximize application communication and overall solution flexibility.

Day-1 Module 2 Understanding eTOM model

● Strategy, Infrastructure, and Product (SIP) covering planning and lifecycle management
● Operations covering the core of day-to- day operational management
● Enterprise Management covering corporate or business support management
● Market, Product, and Customer: High-level view of the market and the enterprise’s offerings
● Service: Product components developed by the enterprise
● Resource (Application, Computing, and Network): Consumed in the production of the Service
● Supplier/Partner: Providing products and services to the enterprise for the production of the Service
● Level 0: Business Activities that distinguish operational customer-oriented processes from management and strategic processes
● Level 1: Process Groupings including business functions and standard end-to- end processes
● Level 2: Core Processes that combine together to deliver service streams and other end-to- end processes
● Level 3: Tasks and associated detailed “success model” business process flows
● Level 4: Steps and associated detailed operational process flows with error conditions and product and geographical variants (where required)
● Level 5: Further decomposition into operations and associated operational process flows where required

Day-1 Module 3: CRM -1

● Manage the end-to- end lifecycle of a customer request for products.
● Create and manage customer profiles.
● Manage all interactions with customers – inquiries, requests, and responses.
● Provide updates to Billing and other south bound systems on customer/account related
● updates such as customer/ account creation, deletion, modification, request bills, final bill, duplicate bills, credit limits through Middleware.
● Work with Order Management System, Product, and Service Management components within CRM.
● Manage customer preferences – Involve all the touch points and channels to the customer, including contact center, retail stores, dealers, self service, and field
service, as well as via any media (phone, face to face, web, mobile device, chat, email, SMS,mail, the customer's bill, etc.).
● Support single interface for customer contact details, preferences, account details, offers,
● customer premise equipment, bill details, bill cycle details, and customer

Day-1 : Module 4: CRM-2 , Big Data Analytic, Churn management , Social CRM

● CRM, Sales and Marketing
● CRM & Service
● A few special topics in CRM
● Care Touch- Taking care of the Corporates and Executive Class for maintaining Customer Relationships.

● Retention- Taking care of the churn and takes special care to retain the existing customers.
● Outbound- back-end processing of CRM
● Measuring CRM success- CSMM (Customer Satisfaction Management and Measurement),
● Special Loyalty Programs and incentive schemes are designed for the privileged and the regular customers―Rewarding Relationships
● CRM Training is given to the employees at the time of induction.
● Telecom, QoE is a measure of customer satisfaction on the service(s) she experienced. QoE can be service specific (e.g., video QoE) or an overall measure
across all services (e.g., video, voice and data altogether).
● QoE and S-KPI -as a collective reward to company
● QoE and S-KPI Predictive modeling from Big Data

Day 2: Module 5 : Mediation System

● Overview
● Flexible Business Rules
● Automated Input validation System
● Switch Compatibility : Traditional switches, such as Northern, Lucent,Siemens
and Mitel• Soft switches, such as Taqua, GenBand, MetaSwitch, Redcom and
Siemens.VOD Servers, such as Myrio and Motorola.
● Data Format Compatibility : Data Format Compatibility, Automatic Message
Accounting (AMA), Automatic Message Accounting Data, Networking Systems
(AMADNS), Exchange Message Interface (EMI), A variety of Call Detail Records
(CDRs), such as those from soft switches , Transcend Daily Call Detail (WorldCom),
Standard Daily Extract (CenturyLink), DMS-MTX Call Detail Record, Lucent
Flexent/AUTOPLEX Executive Call Processor, Comma-delimited (.csv) transaction
files for VoIP, Comma-delimited (.csv) transaction files for VOD
● Event notification
● File Tracking
● Process Scheduling
● Reporting

Day-2 Module 6 : Analytic Tools in Mediation :

● AMA Search- Filter based on a single criterion or combinations of preset AMA
fields- Results
● Details of individual records and overall totals.
● EMI Search
● Filter based on single or combinations of preset EMI fields.
● Filter based on positional parameter with user criteria.
● Results placed in two EMI industry file formats
● or CDG internal formats.
● Details of individual records and overall totals.
● Usage Search- Create custom profiles to search master or work files for messages
and charge records .
● Custom Queries and Dashboards

● Create custom queries and dashboards for reporting and auditing

Day-2 Module 7 Rate Calculation

● Rate Packages (control pricing of daily usage transactions) -
Pass through usage with predetermined price-Use alternate charge (modules, etc.
Utilize rate plan code to determine rate

● Rate Plans Based on location, Based on specific dates,
Rate banding by distance, locations, etc., Rate period differentiation, Holiday ratingg,
Units vs. transaction rating , Initial and overtime rating
● Processing Priority
● Discounts and Miscellaneous Charges -- selection criteria for usage (type,
subtype, method, rules, etc.), selection criteria for non-usage (type, item type, item
sub-type, etc.), Selected items can be used as qualifying and/or eligible items, and
can be limited to debits, credits or both; Step and volume tier structures; Percentage
rating, flat rating (charges only)
● Allowances : pre-defined amounts of usage (minutes/transactions) from normal
pricing , override rate applicable to usage within specific rate period(s); usage
selection criteria (type, sub-type, method, rules, etc.); Static and dynamic quantity
(incrementing allowance based on specific transactions) ; pooling option (a sharing
of allowance among services) ; pre-pooling option (a chronological application of the
pooled allowance); Proration, charge quantity and inheritance functions ; Qualifying
items as minimum charge.

Day- 2 Module 8 Billing Process -1

● Billing Features
● Rating & billing
● Payment processing
● Credit control and collections
● Disputes and adjustments
● Pre-pay and post-pay services
● Multilingual & multiple currencies
● Inter-carrier settlements
● Products & services
● Discount applications
Billing Types :
● Pre-pay Billing:
● Post-pay Billing:
● Interconnect Billing:
● Interconnect billing
● Roaming Charges:
● TAP3 protocol,
● Convergent Billing
Billing Sofware:

● Convergys IRB,Amdocs Ensemble ,AMS Tapestry ,Kenan Arbor,Saville Systems

Day-3 : Module 9 Billing System-2

● Product Initiation Charges
● Product Periodic Charges
● Product Termination Charges
● Product Suspension Charges
● Product Suspension Periodic Charges
● Product Re-activation Charges
● Product Usage Charges

Call Detail Record (CDR)-the usage in the form of Call Detail Record (CDR)/Usage

Detail Record (UDR)

● GSM telephony: Voice calls -MSC (Mobile Switching Centre)
● Data traffic- GGSN
● MMS traffic- MMSC
● Roaming CDRs- partner's switching element.
CDR record (additional) :
● Billing Cycle
● Billing Itemization
● Billing Suspension
● Dunning Notice
● Hard collection Action-Black listing
● Dispute management

Day-3 : Module 10 Billing and Revenue Management (BRM)

● A Functional Overview of BRM
● The Revenue Management Lifecycle
● Revenue Generation
● Revenue Capture
● Revenue Collection
● Revenue Analysis
● Enterprise Application (ERP) Integrations
● Applications Integration Architecture for Communications
● Application Management Pack for BRM
● Technology Platform Extensions

Revenue model simulation :

● Charge for data usage based on duration and data quantity

● Offering of promotions such as Friends and Family to voice subscribers
● Use customer profile data such as Friends & Family or Special Day to apply special discounts
● Set up tiered pricing and discounting based on usage quantity or volume, such as amount spent or minutes talked during the billing period
● Configure pricing based on day and time, including day-of- week, day-of- month, holiday and month-of year
● Set up zone definitions and base prices for telephony usage based on originating and terminating zone
● Use flexible validity rules for promotions, for example, specify that a discount is valid from the first time it is applied for the duration of three months
● Define bundle and discount dependency and exclusion rules
● Apply optimal rates for an individual subscriber based on usage during the past billing cycle
● Provide compensation for dropped calls
● Tailor pricing of an offer for a corporate customer
● Reduce the total charge at billing time by evaluating threshold conditions
● Offers cross-account discounting incentives
● Provide cross-service discounts for cross-sell and up-sell opportunities
● Enable dynamic discounting, for example, such as the reduction in charge for the 10 most frequently called numbers during the current billing cycle

Day-3 : Module 11 BSS in eTOM

● eTOM to eTOM
● eTOM v4 to v14-evolution
● BSS via eTOM to NGOSS
● Level 0: Business Activities that distinguish operational customer-oriented processes from management and strategic processes
● Level 1: Process Groupings including business functions and standard end-to-end processes
● Level 2: Core Processes that combine together to deliver service streams and other end-to- end processes
● Level 3: Tasks and associated detailed “success model” business process flows
Level 4: Steps and associated detailed operational process flows with error conditions and product and geographical variants (where required)
● Level 5: Further decomposition into operations and associated operational process flows where required

Day-3 : Module 12 Advanced Topic-1 : Churn and Fraud Management using Big Data

● Types of Churn
● Account Churn- Where the customer is completely lost
● Product Churn- Where the customer has lowered his subscription profile
● Decreased Spend- Where the customer has reduced his spending

Churn Analytics :

● Churn Score- The calculation of customer behavior
● Customer value- Calculated on the basis of customer’s desires and satisfaction
Fraud management analytics

● Collision Check
● Velocity Check
● Blacklist
● Threshold check
● New subscriber check
● Pattern Check
● Profile Check


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 21 Hours

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Price per participant

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