Descubra nuestros cursos
Fundamentals of Microsoft Office
7 HorasExcel and Google Sheets
14 HorasMicrosoft Office Advanced
7 HorasMicrosoft Copilot
14 HorasHyper-V Virtualization
21 HorasExcel Modelling
7 HorasExcel VBA Introduction
14 HorasExcel to Power BI
7 HorasDatos y análisis: desde cero
42 HorasFinancial Analysis in Excel
14 HorasR Programming for Excel
21 HorasData Mining with Excel
14 HorasPython para Excel
14 HorasExcel Data Analysis
14 HorasIntroducción a SharePoint
7 HorasSharePoint for End Users
7 HorasMicrosoft Flow/Power Automate
14 HorasOffice 365 for Administrators
14 HorasAdaptive OfficeConnect
7 HorasÚltima Actualización:
Se pretendía que tuviéramos una visión más amplia y así se ha conseguido.
Kai - Dutch Ministry of Defence
Curso - SharePoint Site Collection Administration
Traducción Automática
learned new things
Daria Pawlak - LKQ Polska Sp. z o. o.
Curso - Excel Modelling
Recientemente estuve luchando con algunos problemas con las tablas dinámicas y el curso me dio los conocimientos para trabajar con tablas dinámicas de forma más rápida, inteligente y eficiente.
Arina Moayed-Dzenisa - Universal-Investment-Gesellschaft mbH Branch Poland Sp. z o. o.
Curso - Microsoft Office Excel - poziom średnio zaawansowany
Traducción Automática
Ejemplos y búsqueda de soluciones
Monika Leśniewska - Takenaka Europe GmbH Sp. z o.o. Oddział w Polsce
Curso - Excel Data Analysis
Traducción Automática
Dashboards and walking through the exercises together along with extra detail on navigation tips and tricks not covered in the exercise.
Jandy Itona - Milwaukee Brewers Baseball Club, LP
Curso - Adaptive OfficeConnect
The second day as Power Bi is a really friendly tool, and clearly Costas knows it very well, it was really good to learn about that tool. Unfortunately we have to see Power pivot in excel first which is really not user friendly but definitely a must see first in order to understand how Power Bi works, and it makes Power Bi look super cool :)
Anne-Cécile Jacquot - Ameropa
Curso - Excel to Power BI
es un tema nuevo para mi
Rodrigo Escoto - CIH HOLDINGS MEXICO, S. de R.L. de C.V.
Curso - Microsoft Flow/Power Automate
The fact he had dif excel and data sheets with exercises for us to do.
Deepakie Singh Sodhi - Queens College, CUNY
Curso - Excel For Statistical Data Analysis
Presentation of loads of details and possibilities that the application offers and the ways they can be used for. A lot of examples. Great knowleedge of the trainer.
Ewa - GP Strategies Poland sp. z o.o.
Curso - Microsoft Office Visio – Creating Charts and Diagrams
Trabajar y usar nuestros propios datos/hojas de cálculo, donde pudiéramos ver cómo nos beneficiaría más.
Julie - Environment, Marine and Fisheries
Curso - Excel VBA Introduction
Traducción Automática
I enjoyed the Excel sheets provided having the exercises with examples. This meant that if Tamil was held up helping other people, I could crack on with the next parts.
Luke Pontin
Curso - Data and Analytics - from the ground up
I generally enjoyed the practical examples.